Chotěboř na Českomoravské vysočině
Alternativ tittel: The Town of Chotěboř Situated in the Czech Moravian Highlands
Sjanger: Documentary film
År: 1928
Lengde: 26:35 min:sec
Beskrivelse: Chotěboř - an old town situated in the Czech Moravian Highlands. However, the film authors mainly focus on its present development. The film shows all the buildings related to the town administration: the town hall, the post office, the savings bank (including its interior), the District Agricultural Depository Bank (including its interior), the Civil Depository Bank (including its interior). To the meaningful shops in the town belong stores, such as Jan Strašils' fashionable goods and a Rudolf Vltavskýs' fabrics. Except the Boys' and the newly constructed Girls' School, there is as well a grammar school in the town. Out of other buildings is remarked the court building and the Sokol Hall. The town organizes a sport day. We can see sportsmen, including children, going to the stadium. There are also allegorical trucks seen in the parade. However, the main sport events are performed on the sport stadium (races for children, wrestling, and a football match with the Slavia Team). The town of Chotěboř is also an industrial town. Remarked is the textile factory, the factory producing fashionable scarves Max Schenke, the local power station, and the construction company run by Ing. Vladimír Liška. We get to know some of the constructions made by this company (houses, roads). We can see granite mines in the town of Skuteč. Visitors to Chotěboř may be accommodated in the Nádražní or Firkušný Hotel. Also the Maleč Chateau (including its interior) is ranked among significant local sights. The town of Horní Mlýn is a birthplace of Ignát Herrmann. There are remarkable natural formations located in the vicinity of Chotěboř (the Doubravka River Valley, Čertův stolek [the Devil's Table], Sokolohrady).
Nøkkelord: dokument / radnice / pošta / spořitelna / kanceláře spořitelny / trezor / záložna / kanceláře záložny / obchod s textilem / školy / soud / sokolovna / kostel interiér / průvod slavnostní / vozy alegorické / automobil Praga / motocykly / kola jízdní / koloběžky / tříkolky / kapela v průvodu / tenisté v průvodu / hry dětské / kuchyně polní / fotbal / zápas řecko-římský / kapela sokolská / Sokol / továrna / atelier malířský / elektrárna / cihelna / pila parní / interiér elektrárny / strojírna / vily / silnice / železnice / vlak jedoucí / hotely / zámek / turisté / rodný dům Herrmann Ignát / potok / rybáři / koupaliště / skály / most železniční / town hall / post office / savings bank / depository bank / bank vault / offices of the savings bank / textile shop / schools / offices of the depository bank / court / Sokol Hall / church interior / allegorical trucks / a Praga car / ceremony parade / motorcycles / bicycles / scooters / tricycles / children's plays / field kitchen / football / wrestling / Sokol band / Sokol / factory / art studio / power works / brick factory / steam saw / machine room / villas / power station interior / road / railway track / going train / hotels / chateau / tourists / brook / fishermen / natal house of Herrmann Ignát / swimming pool / rocks / railway bridge / tennis players marching in a parade
Leverandør: Národní filmový archiv
Rettigheter: In Copyright / Národní filmový archiv
Farge: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Samling: Český dokumentární film
Language: cs